Tuesday, August 8, 2017

This 'N That

Yes, I like to make things...all kinds of things.

I went "junking" with a friend of mine several years ago, and she found
2 huge bags of lace scraps.  She and I both about came undone.
What a treasure!
I took these scraps with me on a sewing retreat. It was my very first
sewing retreat and I didn't really know what to expect.
I took a few clothing projects to work on, but
just in case I ran out of things to do, I took some sewing books
with some fun projects.
One of those books was Sew Pretty Homestyle by "Tilda". 
If you've never 
checked out her books, I highly recommend you do.
They are full of wonderful inspiration.

But back to the lace scraps....
I found an adorable stuffed cat in this book and then inspiration struck!
I traced out the cat onto white muslin.  I placed the lace scraps over the outline, and 
sewed them in place.  I then cut out the cat parts and sewed them together.
This is the end product.  She has a permanent spot in my sewing room.

In May of this year, I had the privilege to travel to Paris.
It was a trip for ladies who love fashion, art, design, and textiles.
Our guides were 2 very special sisters who love Paris.
One of the biggest thrills for me was to shop for fabric.
I found several pieces that were SO pretty, and you will be seeing those 
creations as they happen.
There was one particular piece of fabric that I fell head over heels for.
This is the fabric.

When I got home, I obsessed over what to do with this gorgeous cotton/silk blend.
I fretted and fretted.
I didn't want to make something and then regret it.
It had to be....
a master piece!
But...here's what I finally did with it.

I am so pleased with how it turn out.
I had 2 meters left and I made a large, scrumptious scarf by simply
fraying the edges.

Another project I did this week is this cute little pear pin cushion.
(I found this is one of Tilda's books too.)
I filled this one with crushed up walnut shells.
I read somewhere that they are good to keep pins sharp.  ??

And speaking of pin cushions...
I'd like to conclude today's post by telling you a little about my mother.
My mom was a very practical person.  
She could budget and plan like no one I've ever seen!

Mom made many of my clothes as I was growing up.
It was mostly out of necessity because we didn't have a lot of extra money,
so it was cheaper for her to make things for me and my sister.

As I got older, it was more out of need because I'm very short and I could never
find clothes that fit me.
I learned to sew when I was a teenager.
I was encouraged by Mom to "be unique"...march to my own beat.
Through fashion I was able to do that.
I didn't want to look like everyone else, and because I truly loved sewing,
I was very unique.  I would win contests and it would boost my confidence.
I would go places and people would compliment me on what I was wearing.
When I told them I made it, they would be so impressed.
I received validation through all these experiences, and don't we all need validation!?!

So in honor of my mom,
I am posting a picture of her pin cushion as I found it in her home.
Mom suffers from dementia, and when it became apparent that she could no longer
live on her own, my siblings and I had to do the inevitable of cleaning out her home.
This pin cushion has a special spot on a shelf in my sewing room.
It keeps Mom close, even though in her mind she is very far away.

I'm thankful for my Mom.
She taught me much about sewing, but she also taught me 
much about loving and living.
Thanks, Mom.

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